Let people be in charge of themselves.
It was never about finding someone ‘perfect’. It was about finding someone who could love you entirely, no matter what.
Someone who may not have had the kind of life that you did —speckled with pain and heartache— but tried their best to understand your journey, your trauma, and your burden.
It wasn’t about finding someone who ‘accepted’ you, no. It was about finding someone who saw how magnificent you are. Flawed? Yes. But filled with enough love that it could drown them.
Learned about your scars and cherished the battles you won as well.

It was never about finding someone who didn’t judge you for finding someone in your past. It acknowledged every experience you’ve ever had because it made you, you.
It was never about finding someone ‘perfect’. It was about finding your person. The one whose hand you’d hold at the end of it all and say, ‘You don’t know how much I’ve gone through just to be here’, and knowing —undoubtedly— that they understood.